I Wish You Were Here

I wish you were here...
You know who you are!
You are the people who have shared your lives and been there for me...

I’ve met you a month ago, a year, a decade or even more than that... It’s not about how long but how much you’ve been in my life...
Either we’ve shared looks, thoughts or moments, as you read this you will feel and know what I am talking about...

We might not talk for some time now, but I want you to know that if I remember you, it means I didn’t forget!
I miss you all, and I wish you were all here with me!


Filipa said...

so sweet M! hope you're great. xx

André Rodrigues Santos said...

Só ag descobri o teu blog..
Puto vou para mais proximo de ti em Novembro, a India. Wish you were there :)
André Santos