Summer Consequences: the Good and the Bad

After moving to London, as I said before, I've changed...
An independent and extroverted person arose...

But now I can look back and realize that it wasn’t just me…
Some friends revealed their true love and other their true colors...

As some got closer and showed honest interest in my new life and cared sincerely for my success, a small few demonstrated some sort of envy or displeasure in my accomplishments and actually were focused in my failures or just simply forgot my existence...
These facts made me more sensible to some friendships but also more reserved with others...
There is little, in this life for me, more painful than disappointment...

The summer of 2009 was definitely the best one I’ve had so far...
It was filled with crazy adventures and fun events...
Overall it was a combination of experiences for the likes of which I shall never forget...

The Good Consequences...
Focused in the extreme enjoyment of the almost two months I had of holidays, I travelled around the country, jumping from party to party, and being with as many friends as I could possibly could…
I met new and different personalities… I have bonded with people that I didn’t see myself bonding with and I have made friendships that will last a lifetime or two...
With the lost of my shyness, I got acquainted with many members of the opposite sex... I got close with some and ran from others... It was a game I very much enjoyed playing...

The Bad Consequences...
With plans made on the spot and many times without proper planning some friendships suffered from that... I truly feel that some times, as soon as I felt I needed to be doing something more, an autopilot would come into play and some outrageous plan would emerge... Now a feeling of disappointment and regret kicks in as I realize that my sole selfishness has hurt others as I felt hurt in the beginning of my move to London... I had neglected and misjudged some that did not deserve it...

Now, back to my so called routine, I am able to look back and smile at my crazy path but also to see my wrongdoings...

Despite having the time of my life this summer, I’ve got some fixing to do...

Ducks & Bats

I recently took on a new sport...
One that I usually made fun of, and thought to be for old timers...

Yes, I am talking about jogging...
Jogging in my mind would be running from point A all around back to point A... so no big purpose in it...
It seemed boring and the physical part, so I thought, wasn't too demanding...

Well, with Hyde Park as my close neighbour I thought I should try it out...
Running with someone is nice, but I definitely came to love and respect going for a run by myself...
Either it's following the sunset and nightfall in the London landscape, or going for a run in almost complete darkness, the feeling is awesome...
As I follow around the Lake my mind lets go, wonders into my life issues and problems or completely random thoughts, and gets filled by the tunes I am listening...

My first run at night proved to be a mix of perceptions completely different from what I had ever experienced...
The sound of the thousands of ducks in the Lake blended with the sight of bats hovering over my head as I could only see about 3 feet ahead of me, turning the whole thing kind of creepy but at the same time exhilarating...
I now proudly say I love jogging...

It's like its not really me talking...

The neighbourhood where I live has turned into a big house with different rooms, like a big family that lives together...
We dine, we talk, we share, we go out, we each take different family roles...

Each member brings some experience or knowledge to the table and everyone gets along with all the different perspectives and ways on enjoying life...
Having known most of them since February, I never suspected that by living among them things would change... but they in fact did...
The conversations have evolved a lot and now there's almost no such thing as taboo between us...

Suave suggests a specific ability to deal with others easily and without friction...
That's how I have been described here... by the latest addition to our family...

I have been said to have an excessive energy problem and somewhat shocking statements about sensible subjects, in other words, relationships and sex...
I enjoy poking peoples minds and get their true thoughts on it... every so often they don't really coincide with their said opinions...
Reading people has become my number one hobby and source of entertainment...
I learn something new every day and get quite surprised, mostly in a good sense, about what people show and what they really are...

It's interesting to realize that by expressing myself in English I feel more comfortable writing about this...
It's like its not really me talking...

Give it a shot

Ok, here I go then...
My first post completely and solely in English...

Why, you may ask?!
Well since I've been a foreigner in London for quite some time now and have met a lot of different people from different walks of life, at some point, those people wondered and have asked me what to I write about...
Therefore I am giving it a shot...

I will anyway write in my mother tongue every now and then, just because I truly get more out it...

P.S.- To all English speaking readers, I apologize in advance any badly constructed sentences or misspelled words, but bare with me...

And now for something different... (2)

De volta com coisas diferentes...

Mais uma campanha publicitária brilhante...

E um dia será assim?!

Último dia...

Os meus 23 anos foram indescritíveis, mas em forma de contradição tentarei resumi-los…
Desde Outubro de 2008 até agora muito se passou…

Foi com 23 que acabei o meu curso…
Foi com 23 que me despedi do meu 1º emprego…
Foi com 23 que emigrei
Foi com 23 que fui morar sozinho…
Foi com 23 que mudei

A temporada de 2008/2009 foi a melhor de sempre na minha, ainda, curta vida…

O crescimento e a mudança foram as principais características deste período…
Tenho tido uma vida sortuda, repleta de aventuras, festas, viagens e pessoas incríveis…

Planeio já a minha próxima expedição digno de Vasco da Gama…
Deixo a palavra saudade a todos e todas que sabem que me são próximos(as) e que não estarão fisicamente comigo para partilhar este acontecimento…
Hoje sinto-me feliz e o futuro reserva-me mais um ano louco e inesquecível, disso estou seguro!!

P- “Que idade tens?”
R- “24.”