Summer Consequences: the Good and the Bad

After moving to London, as I said before, I've changed...
An independent and extroverted person arose...

But now I can look back and realize that it wasn’t just me…
Some friends revealed their true love and other their true colors...

As some got closer and showed honest interest in my new life and cared sincerely for my success, a small few demonstrated some sort of envy or displeasure in my accomplishments and actually were focused in my failures or just simply forgot my existence...
These facts made me more sensible to some friendships but also more reserved with others...
There is little, in this life for me, more painful than disappointment...

The summer of 2009 was definitely the best one I’ve had so far...
It was filled with crazy adventures and fun events...
Overall it was a combination of experiences for the likes of which I shall never forget...

The Good Consequences...
Focused in the extreme enjoyment of the almost two months I had of holidays, I travelled around the country, jumping from party to party, and being with as many friends as I could possibly could…
I met new and different personalities… I have bonded with people that I didn’t see myself bonding with and I have made friendships that will last a lifetime or two...
With the lost of my shyness, I got acquainted with many members of the opposite sex... I got close with some and ran from others... It was a game I very much enjoyed playing...

The Bad Consequences...
With plans made on the spot and many times without proper planning some friendships suffered from that... I truly feel that some times, as soon as I felt I needed to be doing something more, an autopilot would come into play and some outrageous plan would emerge... Now a feeling of disappointment and regret kicks in as I realize that my sole selfishness has hurt others as I felt hurt in the beginning of my move to London... I had neglected and misjudged some that did not deserve it...

Now, back to my so called routine, I am able to look back and smile at my crazy path but also to see my wrongdoings...

Despite having the time of my life this summer, I’ve got some fixing to do...

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