It's like its not really me talking...

The neighbourhood where I live has turned into a big house with different rooms, like a big family that lives together...
We dine, we talk, we share, we go out, we each take different family roles...

Each member brings some experience or knowledge to the table and everyone gets along with all the different perspectives and ways on enjoying life...
Having known most of them since February, I never suspected that by living among them things would change... but they in fact did...
The conversations have evolved a lot and now there's almost no such thing as taboo between us...

Suave suggests a specific ability to deal with others easily and without friction...
That's how I have been described here... by the latest addition to our family...

I have been said to have an excessive energy problem and somewhat shocking statements about sensible subjects, in other words, relationships and sex...
I enjoy poking peoples minds and get their true thoughts on it... every so often they don't really coincide with their said opinions...
Reading people has become my number one hobby and source of entertainment...
I learn something new every day and get quite surprised, mostly in a good sense, about what people show and what they really are...

It's interesting to realize that by expressing myself in English I feel more comfortable writing about this...
It's like its not really me talking...


Micas said...


MIA said...

Loving the English blogs babe!

Unknown said...

Thank you both!

Unknown said...

A sharp shark atack in the dark. Agora em português. A isto chama-se ser observador, sagaz, um espírito aberto à prórpia auto-crítica.
Há quem queira viver numa redoma, protegido por ilusões. Ilusões essas que muitas vezes nos perturbam a razão e deturpam o nosso juizo, mais do que sobre nós próprios, sobre os outros.
Há outros que vivem em mundos transparentes como aquários, onde cada peixe, mesmo sem ser brindado de cores exóticas, vive com o que tem e é feliz. Esta é a verdade nua, crua e dura.
Isto, só para dizer que muita gente é infeliz e não gosta da felicidade alheia. Nesta vida só dependemos de nós próprios e quem conta com os "outros", mais do que consigo mesmo, como fonte de motivação erra. Os "outros" são fonte de inspiração. Dão-nos prespectiva quando as coisas não estão tão clarividentes. Mesmo que nos façam serrar os dentes os amigos são aqueles que não precisam de paninhos quentes.