Fantasies & Desires – One Perspective

What are we but the result of our actions, according to our fantasies, dreams and desires?
Life should be a pursuit of aspirations and goals, but at the same time, a hunt for new challenges and purposes...
Conformism is a human condition which people settle for something that’s not quite what they wanted; a place, a person or a situation...

Someone who is conformed is one that life is no longer a moving train but it’s a cold seat in the station... is someone who watches life pass by, who does not feel the need to try and get to the next stop...
One that is conformed might think that he/she is just unlucky, or worse, that they deserve that kind of lifestyle... It can also mean that they think that they are happy enough, that one part of their lives is good so the rest is just overrated...

I don’t believe a person can ever be happy enough... Happiness is an unreachable concept, it’s a fantasy... and as Slavoj Zizek puts it, "through fantasy, we learn how to desire"...
Settling can be a great thing, when you reach what you desired but if, at the same time, you find something else to fantasise about...
I also think that the age and one’s maturity may affect these situations... but having live examples of both cases, of the conformed and on the other hand of the unsatisfied people, the lack of action in some and the hunger for more of others, I truly believe in the continuous chase of one’s desires...

1 comment:

Micas said...

Tu ainda vais dar num Bestseller,mark my words,honey...